

Hye assalamualaikum. (Brace yourself. Sesungguhnya ini ialah entry yg pjg)

Staying home makes me reminiscing a lot. Well, never had enough time (since five years ago) to do that. I had a wonderful-wonderful childhood. I did. My school years were the greatest. I would change nothing of that, especially during my primary school; Sekolah Abdullah (SRKSA). This is where I experienced all the best things in life; friendships, study, kena ejek2, budak2 lelaki, gaduh2 ngn derang, kena jadi MC assembly, kena hafal sifir, talent time, hari sukan, asyik wat lukisan tajuk pasu bunga, atau buah-buahan tempatan, jadi head prefect, masuk nasyid, khatam Quran, kena pukul ngn pembaris panjang kuning (yg cikgu guna utk wat garisan kat papan hitam tu), kem motivasi, BCG, UPSR of course, and yes, ‘cinta monyet’.

Cinta Monyet is very dear to each and every one of us. At least, to me la. Sbb ade jgk org yg rajin sgt belajar, x experience mende2 camni. Bgs tu, itu lah belia wawasan negara! Ala, tp tipu lah, mesti ade jgk kenangan2 cinta monyet sikit2 kan. At least time masuk darjah4 tu, mesti dah pandai suke org ni, suke org tu kan. Yela, time tu br nak kenal dunia, jadi lelaki dah pandai malu2 ngn perempuan. Vice versa lah. Kalo kena ejek, merah2 satu muke, especially telinga. Kadang2 tu, pompuan nangis biler kena ejek2. Yela, time ni kan kiter selalu kena ejek name bapak kan. Taktaulah nape. Itu je kot idea kite nak ejek2 org time tu.

Cinta monyet tu sgt indah. Indah sbb time tu kiter kanak2, budak2, so biler ske kat org, rase cam suci murni je perasaan cinta tu. Yela, time tu takde nafsu lagi kan, hehe, so bile suke kat someone, kiter mesti suke dengan ikhlas. Selalunye suke sbb dier comel ke, pandai ke, selalu p solat Zuhur ke.. .em, tp selalunye sbb comel lah. Haha. I had this sweet cinta monyet as well. We were in the same tadika (haha, tadika dah pandai suke2 kat org), but I was in the morning session and he was in noon. I can’t recall seeing him kat tadika tu pun senarnye, and I didn’t know he likes me until we were in Standard Four. I was involved in an accident right in front of my house. It was funny because one yellow kereta katak was hitting me right in my left eye. I was hospitalized for 3,4 days. No serious injuries Alhamdulillah except for my left eye jd bengkak, lebam2 sampai kaler biru nila. Besar pulak tu lebamnya. Haha. Takde pulak my mom amik gambar, so the incident was barely in my memory.

So sekolah kecoh la jgk because of that accident. Sampai ramai2 2kelas p lawat kat hospital. (sbb malu ngn mata kiri yg lebam gile, I pretend konon2 tgh tido waktu ramai2 dtg melawat tu. haha). Nak dijadikan citer, heboh pulak satu sekolah ada this one boy yg nangis biler tau that accident. Dier dikhabarkan nangis sbb takut I mati. Hehe, sweet kan for a 10-years old kid fikir camtu. But we were not in the same class. He was in 4 Hijau, while I was in 4 Biru. So mende tu went on camtu je lah. But later, we were occasionally eyeing each other. Cewah. He was a school athlete and quite popular too. I remember I was blown away by his 100m sprint during Hari Sukan ms darjah 2 kot. Tym tu tak kenal pun lg. Dier mula agak lmbt tp dier lari dgn fokus merentas angin lalu melintas sume peserta lain dan berjaya mengungguli trek tersebut. Pendek kate, setiap tahun dari 1990-1996, die jelah yg dpt anugerah atlet sekolah. No competition.

Dan sepanjang ms tu jgk, cinta monyet itu terjalin, haha. Ade lah jgk kami bergayut kat tepon. Yelah, time tu gune tepon telekom kaler biru. Takde lagi handphone2 ni. Kdg2 pas balik sekolah gayut sampai satu jam. Tp tak selalu, nanti bil naik, mak marah. Haha. Tp most of the time, die la yg call. Time tu ego2 skit, konon2 tak call lelaki. Haha. Well, I can’t even remember what subjects we were talking. For an hour. Haha. Budak2… oh yes, he was a skillful football player too. Kdg2 ptg2 die dtg main kat padang dpn umah. Saje je la kan nak tunjuk skill. To be honest, menjadi la jgk, haha. Because I was attracted to him, mostly becos of his skills at pitch. Besides of his budak baik-ness, a set of white teeth, malu tp ego attitude, and his mata yang sepet. Hehe. I used to relate him to Takeshi Kaneshiro for his mata sepet, walaupun sebenarnye tak sama pun. Haha. Because of him too I have a keen interest on soccer. Until today. I was very sure he’ll play for Malaysia someday. Then this relationship went on, with ups and downs, but no words of LOVE ever uttered between us. Ala, budak2 kecik. We kinda faham2 sendiri wats inside, cewah. Until UPSR, until abis drjah 6, until Form 1.

Biler masuk Form 1, we went to the different school, but dekat2 je sekolah tu. Dier masuk sekolah sukan. Main untuk team remaja Pahang, so I heard. Hubungan tu dah jd jauh, sbb dua2 dh besar, malu2 kot. Yela, dah besar, perasaan dah tak suci murni cam dolu2. Haha. Tp kdg2 keep in touch jgk lah. On 30th May 1998 (ingat sbb tulis dlm diary, haha) ptg2 kul 6 lebih kalo tak slh, he confessed his love. I wasn’t surprised cos I was kinda expecting it. Walaupun sebenarnye dah lame tunggu dier mengucapkan kata2 itu. Kah3. Time tu kalo confess tu maknenye nak declare lah konon2. Hmm, and to my surprise, I refused. I didn’t know why, cos I truly felt it too (cewah), but I refused. I guess sbb time tu Form 1, br masuk sekolah baru and dunia yg different, so tetiba jd very ambitious utk belajar. So kununnye sacrifice love lah in order to succeed in studies. After that, he didn’t call me for quite some time. I dun know, maybe dia geram atau malu cos I refused. Mungkinlah. And sadly, I was too ignorant to care. Later I heard he was with this girl from other school, tp tak lame. Kemudian Form3 dia ke Bukit Jalil. Then life went on for both of us. For years, he purposely came to padang in front of my house, playing football when I was around for semester break. Deeply inside, I know he still cares. Last thing I know he was playing for Kelab Shahzan Muda.

In 2005, as I was busy doing master plan, I received a phone call from a friend. My treasured Cinta Monyet was involved in an accident. This fatal accident put him into coma for 2days. But on 29th September 2005, he lost the battle. He left me; he left all of us for a ‘better place’. My heart was broken into pieces, I cried terribly while reciting Yassin for him that very night. Sesungguhnya Allah SWT lebih sygkan dia. I always believe those yg mati awal dan muda adalah org baik2. And I believe my whole heart he is a very good person. Good in every single way. I believe so. I just can’t believe I lost him this soon, because I still have a lot to say to him. I regret not appreciating him the way I should and I regret not talking to him as much as I would, now. And at this very moment, I think I miss him more than I ever did.




Anonymous said...

Aku slaluner dgr ko ctr psl org ni sekerat2..blr ko dh wat jd 1post blog yg pjg,bru aku dpt menyelami perasaan ko..Cinta monyet?Akupn ade..n aku laluigk zmn2 kene ejek etc ni..tp xdelh smp call2..stkt cinta 1halajr..

Sedih bc posting ni..serius..aku dpt rs perasaan ko tu..huhu..Kenangan terindah jgn dilupakn tp jgn smp ms dpn diketepikn :+)

the Stalker said...

Thanx Phat Jenkins. jumpe di ym. huhu

Miszunderstood said...

hallu aida. jis ni.

wah, nk sambung bleaja gi OZ tu. Selamat la kt sana ek.

adda_shariff said...

apekah reminiscing love stories..hehe..oh well everyone got their fair share on that one eh? .hehe..oy shud put more pictures coz picture worth a 1000 words. imagine u put 10..u dont need to type anymore..haha..ape ngarut..tunggu nak balik kul 6.15 nih..my black entertainment machine rosak. kene antar ke uia utk dibaiki..wtf..

the Stalker said...

Hi Jis! Lame menghilang. keep in touch eh

Ye Adda.. sungguh hepi reminisce gud things in lyf. sementara ade mase ni. eheh. apekah 'my' entertainment machine rosak. cane kiter nk troskan agenda hiburan kiter. cpt2 btolkan.

azmi yusof said...

bole pun buat blog..asik baca blog orang jer dulu..nanti dok australia tu kongsi kongsiler pengalaman...ok..selamat berangkat nanti..

Unknown said...

i know him..he is one of my good friend...